What Are the Alternative Uses of BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Posted April 08, 2020 in BOTOX® Cosmetic

2 Min Read:


BOTOX® Cosmetic is synonymous with the beauty industry, and this anti-aging injection is far from isolated to the Hollywood elite. BOTOX® Cosmetic is the most popular cosmetic treatment in this country, with over seven million injections administered in 2018.

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BOTOX® Cosmetic is most often used in small doses to reduce expression-causing wrinkles around the eyes and forehead. When injected by a trained medical professional, it can temporarily smooth frown lines and crow’s feet; however, signs of aging are not actually what BOTOX® was initially designed to treat.


BOTOX® was first used in 1978 when ophthalmologists administered it to successfully treat spastic or hyperactive muscles of the eye and the surrounding area. BOTOX® wasn’t used for cosmetic purposes until 1992 when doctors and researchers discovered its aesthetic benefits.

What Other Medical Conditions Can BOTOX® Treat?

In addition to wrinkles and spastic eye muscles, BOTOX® is approved to treat a variety of conditions. Migraines, excessive underarm sweating, neck and shoulder muscle contractions, and overactive bladder are just some of the issues that can be treated with BOTOX® injections.

How Does BOTOX® Help With Migraine Headaches?

In 2010, the FDA approved BOTOX® as a treatment for chronic migraine headaches. This injection works by blocking the pain fibers that trigger these debilitating headaches. For many patients with chronic migraines (meaning at least 15 headache days per month), these injections have brought a world of relief; however, this treatment may not be right for everyone, and patients will require repeated treatments every three to four months to maintain migraine relief.

How Does BOTOX® Help With Bladder Control?

Bladder spasms can be painful and lead to frequent trips to the bathroom, embarrassing leaks, and even mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.


Patients who have overactive bladders not related to bladder cancer should first pursue non-invasive treatments such as dietary changes, exercise, and weight loss. If those measures do not work, BOTOX® could be an effective treatment option.


BOTOX® injections can be used to treat severe urinary urgency and bladder spasms. BOTOX® works by blocking the nerve signals that trigger spasms in the bladder and sphincter muscles, which can reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms.


To inject BOTOX® into the bladder, a qualified medical doctor inserts a small instrument called a cystoscope into the bladder through the urethra. While no hospitalization is needed, patients may require either local or general anesthesia as the procedure can be uncomfortable.


Results take about a week and usually last for anywhere from three to nine months.

How Can BOTOX® Help With Excessive Underarm Sweating’?

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is both annoying and uncomfortable. This can cause unnecessary stress in both professional and personal situations, and can even make some people hesitant to be as active as they wish to be. BOTOX® injections help block the nerve signals that cause the overproduction of underarm sweating.


Some men and women even use BOTOX® injections to address excess sweating in the hands and feet.

How Can BOTOX® Help With Spasms?

Neck spasms (cervical dystonia) is a condition that causes significant neck pain and improper head position. BOTOX® injections can help soothe the neck muscles to enhance comfort.

How Can I Learn More About BOTOX® Cosmetic?

For more information about BOTOX® Cosmetic for cosmetic or medical purposes, contact the be-You-tiful Med Spa by calling (707) 575-1626 or by filling out our online contact form.